Megan Karlen

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After graduating from Bard College, Megan Karlen moved to New York City to begin a career in publishing. Three years later the pull of the city’s art resources got her and she quit her job to take art, violin, and ballet. She attended classes at the First Student’s League, Cooper Union, The 92nd Street Y, Marymount College, and drew from the figure at various workshops throughout the city. She then began studying independently.

As Karlen sees it, “I received an education from some of the best schools in the country by studying independently with these women: Enid Braun (San Francisco Art Institute) taught me figurative painting, Diane Green (Yale) convinced me of Abstraction’s relevance, and Shelley Haven (Iowa) was determined to allow me to develop my own voice. And I did this all without a single student loan.”

Megan Karlen lives and works in Manhattan, New York.